>>827424>>827410So avoiding the pier, I have a few other options. The intercoastal, there are a bunch of spots I can probably get away with fishing at. Lots of condos and shit that I could stealth fish. Otherwise there are two inlets nearby, the one further south I can easily fish from the drawbridge all the way out to the jetties. Otherwise there is this Hillsboro River. It actually turns into a canal a little further west and goes all the way to the Everglades. I have gotten some largemouth in the same canal way out west, but never tried it closer to the intercoastal where it is probably brackish if not totally saltwater.
What do you goys think about that river? Pic related shows it. Right where that big curve is, there's actually a public park and boat launch and there's a few other bridges and spots where I could hit it from shore.