This was less popular back in the day.
It's a culture that has built up over the years as we got more developed and /out/ went from "that thing we cut down for heating/cooking fuel and that place we need to work all day to survive" to "that pretty natureland, so different from our office" as well as a tourism destination.
Go to the developing world, there's no real /out/ culture.
The same happened in the US. Back in the day, you couldn't get to the big parks easily by horse and carriage. Then cars came around, and it took normies several generations to become aware that going to a park was more than just stomping around in the dirt. Also the parks improved facilities, which increased their desirability.
Local parks that were just nature preserves with BSA campouts got frolf courses full of douche teens and paved paths full of cyclists with bluetooth speakers blaring radio stations.
Now, larger parks are neatly manicured normie spaces, with amenity-rich campgrounds nearby for your RV where you can sit and watch TV and drink a 6 pack somewhere other than your doublewide.
You can blame the poors, but you get the same on rich lakes and rich parks. Society in general has degenerated, and the height of enjoyment now is getting blasted and clubbing in XYZ location with zero consideration.
>>2419323 same with our lake, and it's richy rich land, yet the people act like trailer park jackasses with money, so you get $300k boats and Ralph Lauren wearing douchebags blasting cardi B and chugging PBR. Wonderful, you can hear them coming from a mile away almost, and the water has turned turgid and the lakebed has been destroyed by the constant churning, just so they can stand 3ft behind the propeller on a board and talk to their posse.