>tfw getting a quart of delicious strawberries, from the garden every day now>>1017754>>1017755I'm only growing non-wild varieties, though I don't remember what varieties they are. If I had wild strawberries locally, I'd probably have been growing them for some time. We only have those flavorless 'mock strawberries' (Duchesnea indica).
>>1017765I have 5 hives right now. I've already pulled 5 pints of spring honey...only like 2 pints left.
In the photo, are they swarming and dividing or is it just really hot and the hives need more ventilation?
>>1017791I've never bought any of that stuff. I always just bury old mushroom waste in the garden.
>>1017793Yes, that is a good idea for weed suppression. If it is rainy during this time, use plastic sheeting. If it isn't rainy then you can probably use mulch. Slugs and isopods tend to hide in the mulch during the rainy weather then mow down your seedlings and starts.
>>1017800>the only weed i get is purslane anywayDelicious.
>>1017804Try searching for cotton in online seed banks. Google "online seed banks -Cannabis" (tfw the entire 1st page of "online seed banks" is literally nothing but cannabis seed banks). It is really hard to find anything other than brown, green, and white.
>>1017815Looks normal. Harvest and shell them when the pods are brown and dry.
>>1017870>>1017924You need to dilute it. 1 part urine with 10 parts water. Then only water the soil, not the leaves. Otherwise, you can pour it directly onto your compost pile without diluting it.
Some watering cans are not large enough to dilute it enough. If you save it for a week it will only be 1N instead of 11N and won't burn roots as readily.
>>1017889That's just caused by root burn from mineral salts and too much nitrogen.
>>1017908Let it dry out fully. Break it up. Then reuse. Keep the seedlings warm and water less perhaps. Use a humidity cover.