>>1091761>>1090617>>1090616>meanwhile, anon is at high school>*EARTHQUAKE*>most of the school is destroyed, but he survives>anon, races home only to find the entire place a pile of burning rubble>meanwhile, anon is at work>*TORNADO*>most of the building is destroyed, but he survives>anon, races home only to find the entire place completely gone like some space vacuum sucked everything up including a foot of soil>meanwhile, anon is at McDonald's>*TSUNAMI*>the place gets hit with 5 feet of water, but he survives>climbing to the top of McDonald's, anon sees the roof top of his home float by among the debris>meanwhile, anon is hunting in the woods>*FOREST FIRE*>most of the forest is destroyed, but he survives>anon, races home only to find the entire place burnt to the ground>meanwhile, anon is jogging>*CHIMP OUT*>suddenly attacked by what he first thought were just runners, anon fights to survive>anon, races home only to find the entire place covered in bix nood and his wife happily taking it in all holes, his home is no longer hisThe best thing you can stockpile are skills, knowledge, and friendships.