>>930871pouring plastics is easy. you can learn by doing remelts in the microwave. toss a few worms in a pyrex cup, heat to 300 and pour. you can use ground crayons to tint the plastic.
small stuff is a pain in a top pour. especially little appendages which always require cleaning the flash off of, unless using a 2 part mold with a injector. i would make a quick copy of them using plaster of paris, you could make a top pour mold of a dozen of those pretty easy. in a top pour there is usually a flat side. so a little modification in needed but those would be super easy to replicate.
>>930895you can accelerate the caulk drying time by adding water to it. caulking molds suck though.
repeat molten plastic poured into them they begin to brittle up. he would be better off using plaster or buying a small silicone mold kit at micheals for $15. those lures are tiny so he could easily fit a bunch onto the mold kits tray. super simple to make.
cool popper btw