So a few things I learned yesterday:
-Your gear needs to synergize and compliment everything else. For example, yesterday I had a way to make fire, but no way to boil water if needed. I also took a spork, when I didn't need it
-Make sure to pack leuko tape for blisters.
-Always take a method to purify water. I didn't pack mine yesterday and should of taken a Katadyn BeFree or Grayl. I drank all my 3.5 liters of water yesterday.
-Be observant, especially when you are vulnerable. I was at the end of my hike yesterday, very exhausted and saw some unsavory rough looking people drive by, it didn't occur to me until later that I was a very easy target at that point in time.
-Dress accordingly for the temperature. That hiking shirt yesterday saved me. I don't think my cotton shorts from carnhartt we're a good idea though.
-Plan your hike beforehand. Use the idea of 'bailout' points/alternative routes if things go awry on your hike (learned this one from the YouTuber '')