the free market needs no regulations for good products to be available in it. the freedom to share information, the freedom the shop elsewhere and the freedom to compete are what produce better and better items that ever better satisfy costumers. a dangerous product's reputation will kill it faster than any regulation.
what gets in the way of competing with legacy brands with sup-par products and services? regulations and taxes that hit small and up-and-coming operations proportionally harder than big companies. and don't forget all the other ways government has it's hands in markets and how it plays favorites with big/terrible companies.
doesn't it seem a little odd that so few a US companies can economically succeed making quality products made in the US for the US market (products that US consumers buy alot of)? do you have any idea how many great companies with great products we have had that have moved manufacturing to Asia? products that only after turn to complete crap? but you try to produce a quality good in the US while hiring the overly expensive US worker, while paying so much in taxes and dealing with all the regulations. especially with the Chinese government doing the opposite.
perhaps no better, more concise example comes to my mind than gasoline containers. i think you should compare the regulated containers to the cans on the market that get around said regulations by calling themselves water cans. tell me what can works better.
imagine if there were regulations placed onto the forms that life could evolve into. imagine how many species that never would have come to be.