>>531064Please don't use an AR15 for bear, unless your shot placement is terrific with a bear charging you, that .223 is going to make it angry.
>>531070My uncle is a wildlife biologist in Alaska, and he's seen the footage of that guy and his girlfriend being eaten, it's supposed to be brutal.
>>531086Grizzlies behave almost exactly like black bears. From a bear's perspective you are horrifying, because people in areas with grizzlies shoot at them all the time. Making noise, like you mentioned, is a great way to keep them away, and a .338WIN is plenty big for bear. I think you're fine.
>>531327Broad head or splitting axe for self defense? lol
>>531352Fairly low. They also don't like people, but I have had to shoot at one because it was stalking me. That was a very hungry cat though, and odds are you won't see the cat that kills you, so I wouldn't dwell on it too much.