>>1675005Sorry to hear friend
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW9TnGseILQhttps://www.nailhed.com/2014/11/will-real-paul-bunyan-please-stand-up.htmlThis was my old scout camp that I went to every year. It was my favorite place on earth. It had all sorts of activities to do and great people to do it with.
>our camp is located in between the two lakes>far away from all the other camps so we do what we want >go fishing, shooting, swimming and hiking every day >large slush puppies are 1$ >tents are old army canvas tents with a pallet under it and two army cots>no zippers or anything >animals constantly in our shit because one dumb fuck kept on feeding to coons >a coyote got too curious one nights and got stabbed by one of my whittled "walking sticks" (you know the ones) >played risk late at night >I was always Australia and waited for everyone to kill each other off before striking >cooked food around the campfire had had great stories about bullshit we know didnt happen.>I got the first leech of the decade in the lake after losing a canoe battle >did cool chapels all the time >made good friends with a few camp councilors (still am friends with one today) >our troop won the archery competition and shooting competition every year, I was a /k/ fag even back then >had the longest zip line in the north east and you could zip line at night >got the last Blue ox award and the golden dino award (two biggest awards at the camp) I cried manly tears when years later I found out it got shut down due to being "to remote" for the Detroit and Flint residents to travel to and feel comfortable at. a sad end for an over 70 year old scout camp They were consolidating all their camps to only one that was in the fucking suburbs. It had showers, event centers indoors, paved trails AND heated cabins. The place is garbage and is more like a trendy city nature center than a scout camp.