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Just made a thread, then saw this post. Figured it'd be more appropriate.
Graduate with applied science degree at 21
>Move to metroplex at 22 for IT work since my hometown is rural (NE Texas)
>Grew up in the styx riding four-wheelers and doing hick shit. Kinda homesick.
>One year in. Pay is good. Financially stable.
>Go to Yellowstone as my first fully independent vacation.
>Bug men everywhere, but really enjoyed the hikes and the drive
>Exit south thru Grand Tetons for a day
>Immediately in love. Now missing the outdoors.
>One year later. Still good pay and now working at home.
>Go back to Grand Tetons to really make sure this is something I want.
>Fuck yeah it is.
>Job says I can move out of the city.
>Use this opportunity to go back for Wildlife Conservation at an A&M branch with a good wildlife program
>First semester in August. Constantly watching the housing market up North and thinking of possible outcomes.
>At worst, I get stuck in a shitty local LEO position for Texas Parks and Wildlife
>Now 25. Dreaming of becoming a wildlife biologist. Wanna work with grizzlies anywhere in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem or in Alaska with hopes of at least graduating at the age of 27.
>Other options I've considered is seasonal/temp work or field surveys in Vermont due to housing being cheap or anywhere in the Cascadia bioregion.
Is it too late? I'm bound and determined to get the fuck out of here since it's getting worse by the minute.