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For the /out/ and about smoker, there are few things worse than running out of tobacco inna woods. Two plants when dried provide -passable- substitutes that can be used alone, or preferably, mixed with flavored tobacco to extend it:
>Bearberry leaves which can be found in every season, >Coltsfoot leaves, which can be found in spring and summer.
For the poverty smoker, dried cornsilk can be added to tobacco to get more bang for your buck. Try a little on it's own first, it's not great (it does smoke hot), but it's good to know if you want to fall back on it.
While I'm at it, acorns can be gathered, cut and boiled to remove the tannin and bitterness. You roast them and boil them to make a caffeine free coffee-like substitue.
If you're a hard-core outdoors man, you could save the tannin water, boil down again and use as an astringent)