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This is not what I take when mountain biking. Where I am you're never to far from an exit if something happens w/ your bike. My backpack EDC consists of:
>A tarp
>rain jacket
>thermal shirt always and bottoms if the weather is below 40F (fox bag)
>a flash light and a red glow light
>spare knife
Red bag
>benadryl, Tylenol, Ibuprofen
>Sharpening tools
>ferrocerium rod
>4" section of bicycle inner tube
>cotton Vaseline swatch
>shitty folding knife
>mini Bic
>3 bowls worth of weed
>large safety pin
My mountain bike kit consists of:
>Spare tube
>co2 inflated w/ 1 20g cartridge
>2.5 - 8 mm folding Allen set
>zip ties
>small chain break
>dry long sleeve jersey
> same rain jacket as pictured
>extra gloves
>snacks of one form or another
I think that about covers what I carry.