>equipmentThis is a huge subject. I suggest perusing this website,
https://www.primitiveways.com/ for the basics and going from there with your own research. There is also a Ray Mears collection torrent that has tons of good info if you can find it. The "Ray Mears' Extreme Survival" episodes have information that spans across many terrain types from dessert to mountains and includes info that is used in each instance. There's 20 hours of video just in that show along and there're many other shows he has done.
>bowhuntingThere's a ton of valid info online for how to do this effectively. Just research it a bit and watch videos. There's stalking, hunting blinds, tree stands, and game pushes you can research. The key is learning the game trails and game habits over the course of a few days in a single area.
>looking for edibles and waterThis is where you just need to watch a bunch of survival videos and download a bunch of wild edible foraging pdfs. Search on google like this, "wild edible plants filetype:pdf" and whatever you need to search. There's some nice foraging info on places like
http://www.eattheweeds.com/>organized structures of nature "military" corpsDownload military books, like "U.S. Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76" or "U.S. Army Special Forces Handbook" and similar publications from world mlitaries. Get the ones that are officially published by a branch of military and not simply ones by random people despite them previously being in the military.
>>1412320>as tedious as possibleThat is why they call it, "advanced," D&D.
>>1412315Travelers will hunt as they travel so they always maintain a surplus of food. Never ever wait until you run out of food. At the very least, you will setup camp each evening and set traps & trot lines then check them in the morning during some foraging. That is the least you'd be doing.