Quoted By:
>be me
>orienteering with a mate who's new
>we're on a 10kmx10km square field, australian outback, nothing of note to be seen
>I'm not a great navigator, and it's not like some places where there are visual points of referance; its compass,sun, contours all the way
>a fuckload of poorly covered mine shafts, snakes, barb wire, 38 degrees C
>not "dangerous", but not somewhere you'd fuck around
>get kind of lost
>mate starts to freak out "anon where are we" "anon lets go back the way we came"
>try to sit down and get our bearings, have a drink
>friend won't sit down "anon we can't stay here" "anon I thought I saw a car"
>in hindsight he probably had heatstroke, I warned him about it but I didn't recognize when I was looking at it
>I try to calm him down, show him the map, explain how we work it out
>he points to a hill on the map an says "that is this hill", and without stopping sprints up this hill
>I try to stop him but he won't listen or slow down
>I catch up with him at the top of the hill, we're now off course and the hill offers us nothing because we're under a 20ft canopy of climbable trees; and he's even more freaked out
>he just takes off again "anon I recognize this place, we were here before"
>realize he'l just run through the bush until he gets delerious and colapses
>tackle his stupid ass and pin him down
>make him drink water, check him for snake bites
>still won't let him go
>wish I had a whistle, shit is now no longer fun and games
>check map, no idea where we are, struggling to remain calm myself
>fence lines I expected to tell us if we'd gone to far either wern't there or we crossed right over them
after 20 minutes I work out a plan, no idea where we are but I work out how to get back pretty easily
>mfw I realize how people die in the bush in like 6 hours