>>2563693Due to my Hyperborean blood, I often engage in the ancient rituals of my ancestors. I will always dance in a forest at night playing the music that I have linked below. I can feel the life force coursing through my veins. I gaze beyond the forest as the Faustian spirit lifts me and allows me to look beyond the horizon into infinity. I hear the sweet voice of Mother Nature herself encouraging me to return to my home once more. She whispers through the wind, encouraging me to abandon modernity and return to my roots. Like the trees, that my ancestors would knock on centuries ago for good luck, I too will ground myself to this Earth and preserve the last corners of goodness left in this world against the Judaic forces that seek to destroy it.
>Ancient Slavic Pagan Music Mix 1 (Pagania I)https://youtube.com/watch?v=jYr1GmytTfI>Ancient Slavic Pagan Music Mix 2 (Pagania II)https://youtube.com/watch?v=_YaSYOhMoaE