>>2340001I started doing step ups on a plyobox specifically for hiking and it definitely made a noticeable difference. Five 4 minute sets, 1:30 rest, with the box high enough that my knee is at a 90° angle. I alternate legs through the entire movement, with one rep being a step up on one leg then a step down on that same leg. It’s as intense as you want it to be.
I also do a ~30 minute heavy bag boxing work out, 1 minute very intense, 30 seconds at a lower intensity. Repeat that for three sets, then take a 15 second rest, and do it again, for 6 rounds. Each round is a different punching combo (I’m not a boxer or anything like that).
My routine is 4 days a week, with step ups every day, and boxing every other day. I also do a pretty typical three day bro split (chest/tris, back/bis, shoulders), with day four being core and legs (mostly core).