>>2746353I have a newborn and a mortgage, keeping my birds alive is important since I haven't bought eggs in 2 years and they clean my yard of ticks and shit. If the law wouldn't fuck me sideways I'd be outside with my 10-22 killing every hawk I see.
45 because they don't make a 46!!!
1967-1968 US Marines Culinary School
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>>2746398I actually might do that lol, a tractor supply is across the street but their minimum bird limit will fuck me since I just want the 1. Maybe they will waive it for a male chick since they're less desirable, I'll also stop by the dump and check out their pickings and ask employees which one is newest. won't even ask to take one because it's ran by recology and fuck recology. Raising another bird sounds rough at the moment so I'm getting decoys. pic rel is the crow I printed and painted lastnight. doesn't feel like enough but it took 14 hours to print so maybe I'll get an owl / crow decoy at the store. Put some old CD's up to reflect light and maybe get a speaker that randomly plays crow noises. Might see how this year goes and get more birds next year.
those eggs look amazing! The best part is the quality. Deep orange, rich flavor, better than any store bought egg I've ever had. Thanks for being an oldfag and knowing what roodypoo means I needed a laugh.
>>2746406Good on you, my town is small and mostly farmers but the county is rural as fuck and without going into specifics, they fucked up a major industry due to over regulation and now they are advertising to a wealthy city to have people move here because they're broke. I work in engineering and am watching it all happen in real time since res/commercial development is what we do. We only have half an acre but if our property goes up 2-3x due to all the richfags moving here me and the family want to move elsewhere and get more land. They're already subdividing the area I'm in which is right on the edge of town near the forest.