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Hello /out/
Just found this board and it seems to be more sane than either /pol/ and /k/ when it comes to realistic survival.
I recently came to the realization that if there was a major disruption in water and food, then I would essentially have to go to a FEMA camp.
I want to get into survival prepping. Not doomsday or "the happening" prepping, but prepping to a level that is realistic.
I've just been buying cases of bottled water every time I go to the store. I haven't bought any water bricks or giant storage barrels or anything like that yet.
I've also been buying cases of oatmeal and canned food. I'm trying to just build it up over time since so much of this stuff is expensive.
Also working on building up sanitation and toiletry supplies too.
Any /out/ recommendations or personal experiences?