>>585419What kind of people are you trying to meet? The only people i've met in the woods have been party people and homeless people.
>be innawoods >farther in than usual just for fun>9:00pm hear trucks >9:15pm hear bro tier chatter>9:20pm assortment of WOOO! and NIGGA! >continues for approx. 2hrs>had enough>locate enemy base>targetsacquired.wav>scanning....2 vehicles.....4 twiggers>too easy>wait until they turn down music>they're getting ready for bed>back to my camp>dutchwarcry.mp3http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XCG_ETMZvyg>quickly back to their camp >twiggers are losing their shit>WAT THE FUCK WAS THAT YO?! YO YALL HEARD DAT YO?! >cringy ebonics continue>Please go see what it was please go see what it was please go see what it was>YO FUCK DIS LET'S GO SEE WAT DAT WAS YO, GRAB A STICK YO GRAB A STICK YO>they go>run into their camp, oh shit there's a dirt road>it goes around a bend, there's an overgrown fire trail right off the road>go to closest truck, unlocked>still hear them crashing through woods>I release parking break, push truck>holy balls trucks are heavy>no way i'm getting that on the fire trail, so just leave it in middle of road, about 50yds away facing camp, both doors open, took keys with me>quickly back to their camp>hear them coming, phase two aborted>straight into the bush I go>they arrive>never before have I heard YO and NIGGA repeated that many times>twiggers are now shitbrick factories>YO FUCK DIS YO FUCK DIS WE OUT NIGGA WE OUT>WHERE'S MY DAD'S TRUCK YO WHAT THE FUCK YO>OH MAH GAH OH MAH GAH>continues for 5 min, they pack up>how has nobody seen the truck yet?>they're in the remaining truck, 2 in front, 2 in bed>start it up, lights on, now they see the truck>pure terror, twiggers spin wheels and bolt, can't hear what they're saying>ah, nice and quiet>HAH! They left their beer>pour out one beer, scoop up beer-mud>crudely write HUSH in giant letters on hood of the truck they leftCont.