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Batch 1 of ducklings is enjoying the poultry tractor run. They've spent two uneventful nights in the tractor with a 250watt brooder light to keep the warm. It is soooo much better to have them out where I can simply take a hose to give them water and clean things. Batch 3 should be starting to peep and pip Friday (28th). That incubator has had a hard time of things with everything from an utility power outage (6 hours on battery backup!) to terrible swings in temperatures due to several other issues not entirely the incubator's fault. I've had to remove 3 rotten eggs from it. Hopefully, I can get something out of the original 32 eggs in there to make it worth while.
The temp pumpkin bed is flourishing. Though, it is riddled with spiny amaranth that came with the pile of cow manure. Man, that stuff is terrible!