i highly recommend Big Sur (2013) just for the visuals alone if you want to check out a movie which features nature. or just check out any good nature documentary.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w71t2lFXDUlonger reply:
i just started reading the book (into the wild) and in an early chapter it mentions the last 2 courses he took in college were about starving Africans and the "food shortage crisis" over there. he then donated $25,000 remaining in his college fund to OXFAM which is some bullshit charity that has failed to do what it claims to do (help starving africans). i thought that was an interesting detail (his college courses).
i also got to the part where he gets frustrated at his car being flooded, so he burns his remaing ~$140 and starts trying to live off the land. but eventually he ends up working at an AZ Mcdonalds anyway because he runs out of food and can't get enough from just eating wild leaves and seeds and shit.
we all know how the story ends...he dies of starvation. so a rich kid obsessed with africans starving gives away all his money, then ends up having to work for money so he can eat, then goes out into the alaskan bush and dies from stupidity and starvation. pottery. that's all you need to know. i stopped reading the book after hearing about his stint at mcdonalds.
if you want true /out/kino just watch a fucking documentary on Alaska or any Nature doc because once you insert a faggoty central character like McCandless' into a story, it ruins it and taints it with the human presence. that's just me. i'm a "misanthrope". but if you want a nature-focused story with good characters, there's better options than into the wild, which is probably the most retarded story ever. there's nothing great about what he did.