>>252423Get a decent canoe and some dry bags. I use the coleman dry bags, but any good dry bag will work. It's important to make sure the load is centred, but you'll figure that out really fast.
It's of the utmost importance to make sure you tie everything into the canoe. Everything.
You might want to get some inflatable bags that can be tied into the canoe also, if you swamp the canoe they'll keep it afloat. Make sure you have a bailer. I like to get a milk jug and cut it apart to make one. Make sure you tie that shit in too.
You can also get some cheap stadium seats that will give you back support, you can get them at any sporting goods store.
Other then that, yeah. Just get a canoe and then put your shit in and paddle.
Did I mention to make sure you tie that fucking shit in the fucking canoe? It's important. Really important.