>>2235247If it tastes like ash, you are scorching the fuck out of your tobacco.
>use matches, or a soft flame>gently kiss the top of your tobacco with the flame just until it's lit. The "charring" light is typically so light that it goes out a few seconds later. Tamp, and relight.>Unless it feels like you are sucking milkshake through a straw, you probably aren't packing too tight if it's dry tobacco."Popular" pipe smoking advice makes it sound like this is the most common mistake, to the point that you'll make the opposite mistake.
Too loose and it will scorch and burn hot, which is way worse than having to relight because it essentially ruins the whole bowl.
After the initial tamp, you generally won't have to tamp until about the second half of the bowl unless you're walking around.
Don't "suck" on the stem, breathe through your nose and let your diaphram create a weak vacuum in your mouth. Just use your tongue to block the smoke, then retrohale out of your nose.