>>493759usual extended camping/survival shit. lifetime supply of bic lighters. lots of good tools. i feel like starting with some good tools will help so much in the long run. the usual carpentry tools. manual drill with bits. planes. some block and tackles so i can do some heavy lifting if needed. some good axes. felling/limbing/hatchet/broad axes. flat and gutter adze. froe (fuck batoning). drawknife. splitting maul. steel wedges for splitting wood. large saw for cutting logs. gardening tools. shovels, hoe, broad fork, etc. lots of good rope and spools of twine and fishing line. could knit up the twine to act as the walls of a fish/crab trap. make a simple half round or rectangle trap with wood then attach knit twine. also for the heads/funnels of the traps. make up a bunch of traps and check them daily. passive food production. set trawls with the fish line. hooks for fish trawl. bring easy to grow and store food types. grains, peas, beans, etc. tobacco and marijuana seeds. lots and lots of books of varying types to keep things interesting. canning jars with reusable lids. stainless steel pots and pans. dont know where there would be room for them but at least 2 large (50~gallon) food grade barrels that can be sealed closed to keep bugs and shit out. with 2 you can harvest rainwater put it in one. then pump it up to a second which could be on a home made water tower. gravity feed you camp with some simple plumbing. minor conveniences like that would do a lot for moral. maybe a shower head for when there is an abundance of water. a couple of smaller barrels could be used to make a methane generator to power a small (converted) propane burner. like i said the little conveniences. the methane generator also provides a good stream of compostable material for the garden.