>>308752This. You don't have to quit life. Just take a vacation. If your current job doesn't like the idea, then quit and find a new job when you get back. Trust me, a lot of us have had these urges you are having. You're not going to like living as a hobo, but you need time off. If you're working as much as you say you are, then I assume you have some savings - why not travel abroad?
If you don't have much savings, then why not teach English abroad - in East Asia, the Middle East, etc.? If you've got a college degree, and any interest in Japan (since this is 4chan, I assume yes), have you looked into the JET Programme? I did this for a year, and it was a great way to escape "life" while still earning a decent living. If you do it for two or more years, you can save up some serious money, meaning that when you get back to your country, you'll have a little freedom to take some time off. Oh, and don't worry about not having experience teaching, or knowledge of a foreign language. All these jobs require is that you are a native speaker. About half the English teachers in Japan had no prior teaching experience, and I'd say about 40% (still) speak little to no Japanese.