>>2706921Im pretty sure it was the great big dog thing stalking me, and to this day its the only answer I can come up with. Hear you about the gut, its amazing what it can tell you. Ive learnt to listen to it, its pretty much always right. One time I ignored it recently, and my brother and I were almost orca'd.
>>2706928Aye, I hear about people getting spooped innadark, but it usually never happens to me. Ive wildcamped around Lancashire for years, night walked, and loved it, never had an issue. the only reason im armed is because we do get weirdos every now and then in the local area, and when I was younger I had a guy start following me through the woods then start wanking at me, and ive been followed by men before, even had 2 try to corner me, but one of my carries usually puts a stop to anything, something about shiny steel really puts the would be rapists off. Been meaning to start hunting them for a few years now but time plus location have been an issue. Your right about senses, it is amazing what they can pick up on without us even noticing, small, subtle, things that they snap on to as something out of the ordinary.
Have a shot of Pendle in the mist