>>994707100k topo is pretty rough - I have 24k and even it could use a little more resolution at times. It along with a map of the area has always been sufficient for what i'm doing though.
"BirdsEye" is their aerial photo system. "BirdsEye"-capable receivers have the ability to display a geolocated raster image on the map page. Their subscription lets you select areas and dump those satellite photos to the GPS.
There are ways to take Google Earth imagery, geolocate that, and shove it into the receiver. Not as simple, but it can be done.
Or, and what I'd do with it and why I want that feature... is scan trail maps or MVUM's, geolocate those, and shove that into the GPS.
Then I'd have trail maps with all the information for my particular sport on the GPS, tracking right with me on the display.
So again, I think that will get you started, but know that 24k topo will get you better map resolution and birdseye subscription isn't as important as garmin wants it to be.
I'm sure things have changed with the newer receivers, but the 60/76's I use are all USB1.1 spec.
Moving a gig+ of maps over that slow-ass link takes for-fucking-ever.
Format/prepare the memory card in the receiver, when you're ready to move the maps over, pop out the µSD card and plug it into a USB2.0 card reader. Takes minutes instead of days.