Some general tips about the AT:
Be prepared to get WET! The AT is notorious for having lots of rain, so don't bother trying to stay completely dry because it will be wasted effort. The best you can do is have a good waterproof shell and waterproof pack cover.
Don't let all the horror stories of murders along the trail scare you. The majority of crimes committed on the AT occur when the trail crosses into or near civilization. If someone is making you uncomfortable/harassing you, just keep hiking and ignore them. If it escalates try to notify the Park Rangers.
Try to find and make a trail buddy, someone maybe who is hiking at about the same pace as you or someone you see a lot. This way you guys can check up on each other and see how you're doing. You can also plan to hitch hike together when you need a ride into town. It will be a lot safer to go together than alone.