>>2194800I've been homeless a while too in the Winter. It's not something to be taken lightly. Adequate prepration is definitely needed. In my experience the most important thing is hygene. If you don't have a way to clean yourself and clothing the weather impact will be 10x bigger on you.
The next thing is water, you can do without food quite some time as long as you have access to clean water.
Next is shelter.
I don't think you will last very long. But considering there are others doing similar ask for their help and try to stick together. You'll probably make it if you can band up with others and help eachother in any way.
Get some organic soap or something bio degradable that you can clean clothes with. You'll be happy you did.
I'm planning something similar though I have access to a small savings I can use and if shtf I do have a safety net.
I would look for other options first because unless you can arrange
>food>shelter>water>hygeneIts going to suck balls.