>>2235114I went from Poland to France through Slovakia and Italy. It was very fun. Some countries are much easier than others, but overall it's extremely easy to do in most of Europe. Italy was the worst country to do it, but even then I had some luck in mountains. Probably better off riding a train without a ticket in those spots and pretending you don't speak any Italian or English if they catch you.
Never took a ride too long, maybe the longest one was going from the outskirts of Bratislava all the way to Budapest. Usually I was on short rides, maybe 30km on average, sometimes 50km, but rarely over that. Keeps things fresh and relaxed.
I have loads of tips and advice if anyone is curious.
>>2235140>>2235179>>2235180Can you faggots tolerate this board having interesting topics without sperging out and crying like a bunch of old women over spilled milk?
>>2235508Cool stuff anon.
>>2235893Can guarantee you've never done shit.