I figured I'd pass this along. On a farm, you have tons of waste products and there are many ways to reuse and deal with it without shipping it off the farm as waste. One method is to make bio-methane and high nitrogen fertilizer out of it by using an anaerobic digester. Online and youtube, there's tons of info on how to make a small scale DIY bio-methane digester. The bio-methane is of course a good source of energy for anything from heating the digester to cooking food, to heating water and homes; the same as with natural gas (which has a higher % of methane than bio-methane.)
>Feedstocks for Anaerobic Digestionhttps://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/293e/a2a9a8d8315548b8d749f60e4b28378d9dfa.pdfThe pdf gives a good bit of data on the matter regarding the various feedstocks and how they perform. Thus, you can strategize a bit more to select which waste products you'd want to use for bio-methane digestion or for say compost or burning for woodgas, whatever.