>>2795803>>2795800>t.has never been in a real forest at nightOne of the first times I ever went camping, I went to some crown land (public land in Canada) and set my tent up about 200 meters up a big hill from the lake where it was flat and had moss. I stayed by the fire until after sun down and figured I'd have no trouble getting back to my tent since it was so close and I was familiar with the area.
Long story short I ended up walking around blindly in circles for 20 minutes because the trail was unmarked and had different branches, and the tent wasn't directly on the trail. I walked too far down the trail, then I walked too far on the way back. There was one point where I thought I was coming up to where my tent was supposed to be but then I came over a ledge and saw the lake and flipped over boat close to where my fire had been. I was literally nowhere near where I thought I was, facing the opposite direction even. It sent a jolt of fear through my body even though I knew for a fact that my tent was somewhere nearby and I was in no real danger. Just the idea that I was completely unable to navigate in the pitch black freaked me out.
I finally ended up seeing the glow in the dark tent ropes through some tree branches where my head lamp was pointed and bushwhacked to my tent. But that was a lesson for sure. Respect the darkness of the night or it will fuck you.
I know it's cool to go on a vietnamese basket weaving image board and pretend like you're one with the forest and could never get lost, but that's precisely the reason why people get lost.