>>1242013>"adventure/vacation guide" squatches love those types of things and will stand as sentry over their group. Got it. Thanks dude. This is valuable info. Nothing that can't be solved with good intel, observation, positioning, and marksmanship.
>>1242014No. Did you read my post? That's not it at all. I want to go to to the desert with my bros for a few days and appreciate what nature has to offer. If a Sasquatch were to threaten me anything goes though; I am a free man with rights.
Also pursuant to California Penal Code 837(d), upon witnessing a felony or misdemeanor I am within my rights to use force to place the suspect under citizens arrest until law enforcement arrives. Any attempt to escape or resist can be met with deadly force. Look it up faggot.
Not that camping and criminal justice provisions are related or anything.