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Does anyone else have been in a similar situation?
I'm about to give up on edible plants. I mean, after doing some math, I have concluded that, for the most part, is not quite efficient to keep on growing vegetables. To me at least.
I mean, I don't have the space for a large crop, so I'm limited to some pots here and there, which also implies I can't grow large plants, like avocado or walnut.
So being limited to small plants, these usually are dirty cheap in my country. A full grown lettuce is cheaper than a packet of seeds. Given time, is more efficient to buy the seeds because I could get lots more plants... except, I'm limited to grow one or two at the time, unless I want to devote the entirety of my pots to lettuces. Which takes me to my last point.
Time. Tending the plants is relatively easy: water once or twice every week, put some fertilizer now and then, check for plagues. Problem is, by the time the lettuces are big enough to be harvested, I already had to buy some more to eat. Waiting for 5 weeks before harvesting 2 lettuces means I would eat one lettuce every 3 weeks... which is a bit below what we use to eat in here. (Yeah, we eat a lot of lettuce, but the point remains for most vegetables) If we consider these tend to be smaller than the ones we get at the market, we are running even shorter, and then we have to consider potential plagues.
So, all in all, keeping care of a plant is fun and satisfactory, just not very efficient from an economical point of view.
Although I'm some guy living on a big city.