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I'm not sure this is overall the most useful gear I own, but hear me out.
I'm an avid urbexxer, which is basically low-key trespassing (usually civil but occasionally criminal) and also in many localities can be considered "menacing" which is in itself grounds for detainment the the authorities™
Because when you urbex you are exposing yourself to potential police action, you absolutely cannot carry weapons. If you have a camera and a trash bag (always collect trash as you explore even if it's just for brownie points), the cops can't throw you in the slammer on trumped-up charges. If you have your le tacticál knife or god forbid a club or gun, you're going to fucking jail.
Enter the 3000lm flashlight. On the surface this spotlight is "to help me see and navigate safely in the dark". But really, actual 3000lm (not 3000 chinese lumens but actual lumens) is WAY way too bright to use when you're using scotopic vision. The secret is this light is a weapon. Any methheads, angry drunks, homeless, property owners, etc that come near you at night will be rendered absolutely useless for possibly 3 minutes if you dazzle them with 3000lm straight in the eyes. Once you blind them you can escape with impunity or bash their skulls in, as the situation dictates.
I keep it on the shelf next to the bed in case someone breaks into my house at night. Unless they're already blind and very clever, or they have a welding mask on in the middle of the night, they are my bitch once I hit them with this.