This is my oldest and worst garden. This is almost 100% natural local "soil". There's so much clay in this dirt that you could almost make bricks from it as-is. It is worse than it was because 3 local utility companies had pipelines and stuff under it and they all decided to replace everything the same year. Which took all the "nice" top soil and put it at the bottom of 6 feet deep trenches then covered up.
I'll probably abandon this one in favor of making more raised beds elsewhere. Here I'm planting Yukon Gold potatoes. It seems the corn and beans are coming up.
>>1021564Yes. That is the long run plan. Pipe needs to be 3 feet deep in this area to prevent freezing and that's a lot of trench work. Not something I'll be doing by hand. I'll actually need to rent an excavator to do that and a bunch of other projects at the same time. I have several gardens, fyi.