>>2785810Not from SA so I'm not sure if I'll be of any help anon but I'd look for a Geologic map of the area, looks like a lot of sandstone in your area so there's a possibility for fossils though again I don't know the area so do some research, but good luck to you anon. another tip is to pick up anything that catches your eye, it could always be nothing but it's better to pick it up and it be a normal rock than to not pick it up and it be something cool like a fossil or artifact. also, along the lines of artifacts, if you do find any, take note of where it is with gps cords as I'm sure that it's probably illegal in Peru, if any artifacts are found report them to a museum or University. Good hunting anon
I took a drive north to just west of Waco and did some Hunting in what the Duck Creek Fm. might be, but I am unsure, but I did find this nice ammonite that looks to be whole, I just need to prep it out of the matrix - Fossil Anon