>>2137518The most I'll take part in this discussion is this, I can sway minds by talking.. which is really just a bunch of talk from some nobody on the internet, or I can show action and take responsibility for my place in the world and how I fit in it. Some people say they can't because of their circumstance and I have to accept that even if I don't buy it for a fucking second. The way I play my part is by taking responsibility for the years of ignorance I've lived, and helping others to do the same when they're actually ready to do so.
Actions speak louder than words, and all everyone drones on about is the can't. I'm about the can, and every person can in some way if they really cared to, one person isn't much until they are to someone else.. then it snowballs.
>>2137530That's 100% me faggot, I took my stand and broke away from the toxicity five years back. Gaia Love saved my life and opened my eyes and it has the potential to do it for countless others if they did more than fantasize. I've found my American dream and I'm living it.