>>1554778Now this is a TED Talk I can get behind
>>1554778It doesn’t matter how well it’ll work because the necessitating conditions are fast approaching independent of the arrival of alternatives
>>1554795>ur an raciste! (You)
>>1554796I don’t deny that, hombre. The great satan is indeed greatly responsible for a disparate portion of the pollution and environmental degradation in the world relative to it’s population. I’m saying that what we did was a terrible thing and we need to try and beat the djinn of technocapital back into its lamp rather than be hamstrung by some false morality of allowing those not yet consuming on 1st world levels to commit the same atrocities because “well, we did it, so we have no place to tell them not to” Wrong! Draw a circle around China and the Indian subcontinent. More humans reside within that ring’s bounds than outside thereof. Can the biosphere take the rapacious development needed for those untold billions to attain the depths of decadence and waste to which we’ve allowed ourselves to sink? (Hint: no). Even then, when we began to commit our ongoing crimes against nature, there were far fewer consumers and the resources and fuels, being as yet largely unexploited, required much less time and energy to obtain- whereas now, even with the increases in the efficiency of extraction technology, the returns on sunk energy are diminishing. It’s too late in the game to at least double, if not more, the strain on the planet that giving everyone the American way of life™ would entail. We’re heading for a catabolic collapse. You can either watch the planet burn as you congratulate yourself for not allowing the “developing” world to metastasize because that’d be mean or embrace real solutions.
>>1554799Pic related