>>2447742>The number one usage of lumber historically is the same as it is right now, fuel and industry (in the broad sense building a wood cabin or house is also industry). Religion literally has nothing to do with it. In fact the leading reason Europeans cut down forests was for hunting and agriculture (in Iceland and the British isles for example, animal herding).WRONG, the number one reason IS agriculture that is correct. not riddle me this, who brought farming on a mass scale to every small village throughout europe?
We are talking about a time when what you DID is just as intertwined with your 'religious identity'
>The forest area of both Europe and North America has been steadily growingyes, but its all dense young growth. it is pointless and raping the land to cut a tree down every 20 years and sell it abroad
>It was mostly Christians that advocating saving the redwoods from industry, most of society was Christian during the formation of modern silviculture in Europe. In fact, the majority of deforestation that occurred in many parts of Europe occurred during pagan times.christians advocate for the redwoods but not sacred oak groves? see what I mean. Christians today are not the same back then. in a time today you have CONTEMPORARY LARPagan netflix retards and christians who care about the environment. This is not the historic precedent however.
I have no hate against christians today. I merely stating historic destruction of the environment in the west in the past 2,000 years is basically christians via farming doing. thinking you are above nature (industrial revolution). But before there were christians there were other JUDEO religions that did the same thing in the middle east via agriculture.
I mean you seem to not understand the basic etymology of the word agriCULTURE and fact that CULTS stem from religions. Thats okay they 4chinposter. fire the chainsaw up and cut away wagie. you're the only thing that mater now-consume.