Guns do work, but only in such cases where you have ample to raise and aim the gun. You also have to be super accurate. I am not saying guns don't work, but bear spray has over a 90% success rate. It's your best bet.
In most grizzly attacks, you end up sneaking up on the bear or get too close before it realizes you're there. You can raise and spray faster than you can raise, aim, and shoot. Bears can close in at roughly 40ft/sec, that is insanely fast. Most cases you're within 100 yards or so. A bear can close in on you in 7.5 sec in 100 yards.
Also, don't ever approach a bear. You're asking to end up like Timothy Treadwell.
Fun fact:
Bears LOVE the smell of bear spray, do don't spraying it all over the place. The spray works because it burns their nose and eyes, but if it is just on the ground or in the air they flock to the smell.