>>2271585Scottish Highl- wait actually Scotland is horrible and full of bugs go Wales instead ;)
>>2272957I love the cairngorms so much, its great how if you take 50 paces from any tourist path and go a wonder you won't find anyone
>>2273196Hammocks are good for those horrible dense forests
>>2273432pic rel was taken from ben vorlich, super easy hill but wew is it charming
>>2273779>Obviously we don't have big untamed naturedefine big
cairngorms and the northwest highlands can be absolutely mental and there's nothing there for miles and miles
for most of the year you can very easily perish if you walk too far in one direction or don't have the correct gear
If you're in the British Isles and want to talk with some more /out/ists from here about going out, drop me and email at
[email protected]