>>2527697Where are you finding permadrawed slab routes and secondly if you try to use this big fat draw monster you’ve made it will fold over in your hands and be impossible to even get in the bolt hanger from below. If you can place it in such a way that it stays upright (that Kong draw comes to mind and that is for wussies) I guess it’s really up to you, it’s your climb man.
The absolute pedantic mess that is 4chan amazes me and has kept me locked in this autism prison for a long, long time.
>>252766350ft anchors are impractical and render themselves null and void unless you can reach the top via another means (and WHY would you make an anchor that chops off half the route? WHO IS DOING THIS?!). I guess it’d make it easier…but everyone and their mother would agree you didn’t send it if you did that, and you’d be cheating yourself out of a climb in this made up situation.