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>be me at 19
>massive loser, for reference me and my friends would get high in a culvert by where we lived and would just kick around in the dark there for hours
>one day we decided to go camping, my friend’s gf had a car
>we got super high and drunk en route, stopped at Walmart to pick up food for our trip
>about 50 pudding cups, 2 big blocks of cheese, several packages of ham, a bunch of raw meat, pounds and pounds of broccoli and bread, a big bag of uncooked rice
>we had empty hiking backpacks in the trunk but instead decided to put our clothes and booze into the plastic shopping bags, and then put the bags on sticks to carry like pic related
>vicious, vicious hike, it got dark 1/3 of the way up, no idea how we made it. One guys’ stick broke so he carried the shopping bags until they cut into his hands