>>1563606>keeps whiny bellyachers like OP away>other races trying to bother me literally die of rickets >cagers eternally BTFO'd by snow, I take the bus or train, so it never bothers me; I sip warm tea watching my normalfag neighbors shovelling out their driveway>driving on snow isn't even hard either>actually like the cold>cold fresh air is the most refreshing thing in the world>no better feeling than having alcohol warm your belly in the frigid cold>I like wearing warm clothes, summer clothes make me feel overly exposed>snow is pretty>conifers everywhere, so it's still green in winter>can actually do physical work without instantly overheating (tropicalfags are "lazy" because they don't have this advantage)>giant cancer orb in the sky goes away for winter and isn't as intense in the summerCold climates are the best. You sound like such an enormous faggot.