>>1182479Fellow subject! Damn shame about corona lake. I had no idea that it closed...motherfuckers. Whittier narrows is COMPLETE ass. I hit SARL a couple of weeks back and only managed 2 fish. It is indeed a fugly "lake".
Inshore bass is a lot like lmb fishing. Spotted bass=Smallmouth bass. All 3 species will eat paddletails and spinnerbaits with gusto. If you want to inshore bass fish you need to specifically target those fuckers. Bays and docks are good. Some surf areas can be productive, but most people discreetly go onto private docks and throw big hammer's around pillars. All you need is a good plastics rod, a spinnerbait rod, and maybe a flipping stick. A float tube would also be a good idea, I've seen some crusty old men slay halibut and bass in them.