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Evening /out/
Can we get some examples of silly shit you've done when /out/? Anything will be good, but life threatening is ideal.
>be me about 4 years ago
>move back home with parents for a while in new area
>it's out in the UK countryside but not too remote
>check out local map for places to go
>"hmm, lots of mines, guess I better check them out"
>spend next several weeks doing so
>mfw most of them are sealed or the adits are flooded
>fast forward a few months
>parents away for weekend
>visit a secluded.woodland which shows dozen or so shafts on map
>most are only 20-30 feet deep test shafts, the odd one or two being about 30-40 feet with horizontal shafts at the bottom
>come to next shaft further down hill, bowl shaped on top
>lean in for closer look but can't see bottom then slip on my ass towards the hole
>"fuck me that was close"
>decide to call it a day and head home
>fast forward to today
>go to city library to check out old maps and shit for urbex
>get reading old records for mines etc. in the area
>find few pages on shafts I visited years before
>check out included map
>mfw the shaft I nearly fell down is 54 fathoms deep
>that's 324 feet - straight down
>I could have died and nobody knew where I was