>>257555It'll get you really comfortable in the water and it'll get you really used to being on the verge of hypercapnia.
Remember, ALWAYS dive with a buddy. With freediving, one down, one up.
One up should be at the ready, snorkel in, ready to retrieve you if you black out at 15-25 ft.
I've also heard that you should also weight yourself to be positively buoyant above about 20 ft so the neoprene will help pull you up if you do black out.
Don't ask me though, I'm a faggot on open circuit.
>>257611Nice! The Conshelf XIV is my beater reg set. I have an early 80s one, so I'm limited to 3 LP / 1 x 3/8 HP port.
Right now my primaries are:
Singles : Apeks FST 1st stage + Apeks TX40 2nd stages
Doubles : Apeks Tek3 1st stages + Apeks XTX50 2nd Stages
Deco / Stage : Apeks XTX40 (O2 green version)
Fun dive : 1961 US Divers DA Aquamaster doublehose.