>>589391>you're wrong>>doesn't post any evidence, sources, or links to prove why I'm wrong.Sorry, but you're projecting because I know exactly what I'm talking about. Irish have only gotten shitty treatment here in the USA for roughly ~120-150 years, then they made it onto ez-street after the Kennedy dynasty.
Hispanics/mexicans have been treated worse, if not just as bad for the past ~200 years, and in almost the same ways as the Blacks, except it's still going on today. Name one (1) Presidential race in the past 50 years that's been predicated upon the collective ire drawn by the Irish. Juxtapose that with all the people who want to "kill spics"/"deport spics", regardless of their legal/illegal status that unironically support Trump*.
Jim Crow and all the racial segregation didn't effect the Irish as bad as the rest of the "coloureds" (blacks and hispanics) in the USA either, considering Irish could ostensibly pass for "white" once they lived here for 2-3 generations. Conversely, hispanics whose great-great grandparents emigrated here ~150-200 years ago are still getting the "GIT OFFA MY LAND DIS HURR IS A WHITES ONLY CUNT'REE" treatment, even if some of us have family who've shed blood fighting for this country as far back as WWI and the Texas Revolution.
Irish have stopped getting judged for the actions of the whole and became judged on a case-by-case basis ~50 years ago. Hispanics, blacks, and other "coloureds" are still being treated like a collective racial hivemind.
>tl;dr: no u>* = I know not all Trump supporters are rabid violent racists, but you're being intellectually dishonest if you deny that there's an overlap between the two groups.