Quoted By:
>Beartooth Pass in summer
>still snow on the mountain
>old man and son with small dog on leash
>son looks exactly like pic related
>all three standing on patch of snow on downward sloped edge of cliff (probably 500 ft drop) trying to get pictures of the fucking mountain goats
>dog slips and almost goes over the edge
>son grabs the leash and saves the pupper
>dad starts yelling at son to hold on to the dog who is now freaking out after near fatal fall
>son slips like 3 ft from the edge (similar to stepping on skateboard slip) but catches himself on one foot somehow
>I’m on my hands and knees (cause snow and dangerous potential fall) watching this shitshow unfold like 5 ft in front of me
>get frustrated and go back to the car
Closest I’ve ever been to seeing someone die